Congratulations! Your active orthodontic treatment is now over and  you have reached the retention stage. We have worked hard and you have invested substantially towards this attractive smile. As we pointed out at the beginning of your treatment, teeth always tend to re-bounce towards their original position and this relapse can only be prevented by wearing your retainers regularly:

  • Wear the removable retainer day and night for the first month. After the first month, wear it only at night.
  • If the removable retainer should break or become lost, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can schedule an appointment to have a new one made.
  • For Vivera retainers, please replace them every 6 months.
  • For bonded permanent lingual retainers, please spend extra time brushing and flossing to make sure your teeth are always clean. A permanent lingual retainer is intended for lifetime wearing. Call us immediately if any de-bonding or roughness occurs.
  • To clean your removable retainer, brush and rinse it immediately after you remove it from your mouth. Soak it in hydrogen peroxide, Polident or white vinegar during the day when you are not wearing it.
  • The warranty period for both the removable and permanent lingual retainers is 12 months from the date of the insertion.


NUMBNESS: The local anesthetics administered for dental extractions render the lip, cheek and tongue numb for about 3-4  hours. It is essential you do NOT bite those areas during this time to avoid trauma to soft tissue.

BLEEDING: Bleeding can be prevented by AVOIDING  (a)  rigorous rinsing for 48 hours following the extraction; (b) smoking and alcohol for 7 days; and, (c)  taking fluids through a straw.   A trace of blood mixed with saliva is normal for the first few days. If actual bleeding is suspected, placing a piece of gauze or a tea bag at the extraction site and biting on it for 15-20 minutes usually solves the problem. Otherwise,  please  call us at 416-967-0100 for further instructions.

SWELLING: This may occur after the removal of a tooth and is quite common if the operation has been difficult. The swelling is at its maximum at about two days and then slowly goes down. The swelling may be reduced by placing ice in a plastic bag on the face for 20 minutes at a time. Repeat if necessary.

DIET: Because your mouth will be sore after the surgery, eating may be difficult. Generally, you may eat what you can eat comfortably. Avoid foods such as chips and popcorn, since sharp small pieces could potentially get lodged in the extraction site.

ACTIVITY: Intense physical activity may cause you pain and/or the socket to bleed. Normal activity can usually be resumed 48 hours later.

ORAL HYGIENE: After surgery, it is important to keep your teeth as clean as possible. Initially, this may be more difficult, as you may not be able to use your toothbrush in the area where your tooth was removed. You should use a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean the teeth which are not near the operation site. Remember, when rinsing, do so VERY GENTLY.

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